
Unemployment happens when both educated and uneducated citizens cannot manage work for their livelihood. There is no country in this world where we do not see unemployment. But, this problem has been very acute in our country. Overpopulation, insufficient number of mills, factories, and industries, too much dependence on agriculture, failure to make a relationship between educational institutions and the market, disrespect for manual work are the causes of unemployment. It is high time we utilized our total energies to solve this problem. Firstly, we can turn our population into manpower by making them skilled laborers. These laborers can serve throughout the world and send foreign currencies. Secondly, we have to set up a sufficient number of mills, factories, and industries that can employ many unemployed people. Thirdly, Modern technologies should be used in the agricultural sector. Fourthly, the country should give emphasis on entrepreneurship. Educated personals should be given loans with mild interest. Then they can surely be able to make their own career. Finally, our educational institutions should have the ability to produce the manpower demanded by the market throughout the world. Unemployment is a curse. It is one of the great problems for a nation. If a nation fails to solve its internal problem, it cannot concentrate globally.  

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