
Arup Roy, lecturer in English Language & Literature, Kanchkura University, College, Uttarkhan, Airport, Dhaka

Rule Number One:  Use the auxiliary verb (do, does, did, am, is, are, was, were, have, has, shall, will, can could, may, might etc.) at the beginning of the Interrogative sentence, and add “not” after the subject. You can bring “not” at the beginning in a contracted form.

Assertive: He is Happy.

Interrogative: Is he not happy

Interrogative: Isn’t he happy?

Assertive: He studies seriously.

Interrogative: Does he not study seriously?

Interrogative: Doesn’t he study seriously?

Assertive: I have broken the glass.

Interrogative: Have I not broken the glass?

Interrogative: Haven’t I broken the glass?


Assertive: I will go there.

Interrogative: Will I not go there?

Interrogative: Won’t I go there?


Assertive:  He had finished the job.

Interrogative: Had he not finished the job?

Interrogative: Hadn’t he finished the job?


Rule Number Two:  “Who” replaces “nobody,” “none” or “no one”

Assertive: Nobody loves a hypocrite.

Interrogative: Who loves a hypocrite?

Assertive: None can do it.

Interrogative: Who can do it?

Assertive: No one thinks like that.

Interrogative: Who thinks like that?

Assertive: Nobody can hate an honest person.

Interrogative: Who can hate an honest person?


Assertive: None has imagined that.

Interrogative: Who has imagined that?


Assertive: No one looks tired.

Interrogative: Who looks tired?



Rule Number Three:  “Nothing” in assertive sentence is replaced by “anything” in interrogative sentence.

Assertive: He got nothing yesterday.

Interrogative: Did he get anything yesterday?


Assertive: We have heard nothing about it.

Interrogative: Have you heard anything about it?


Assertive: They contributed nothing.

Interrogative: Did they contribute anything?


Rule Number Four:  “Nothing but” in assertive sentence is replaced by “What” or “anything but” in interrogative sentence.

Assertive: He contributed nothing but a hectic world.

Interrogative: Did he contribute anything but a hectic world?

Interrogative: What did he contribute but a hectic world?


Assertive: I want nothing but your honesty.

Interrogative: Do I want anything but your honesty?

Interrogative: What do I want but your honesty?


Assertive: We can invest nothing but hard labor.

Interrogative: Can we invest anything but hard labor?

Interrogative: What can we invest but hard labor?


Rule Number Five:  “Everyone” in assertive sentence is replaced by “who followed by negative form of auxiliary verb + main verb”

Assertive: Everyone knows it.

Interrogative: Who does not know it?


Assertive: Everyone hates a liar.

Interrogative: Who does not hate a liar?


Assertive: Everyone can succeed if he or she works hard smartly.

Interrogative: Who cannot succeed if he or she works hard?

Affirmative to Negative

Assertive to Exclamatory Sentence

Imperative to Assertive Sentence

Positive, Comparative & Superlative Degree

Active and Passive Voice




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