
Arup Roy, Lecturer in English Language and Literature, Kanchkura University College

Rule Number One: If any adjective or adverb in assertive sentence is preceded by "a/an", we should start exclamatory sentence with "what a/an" followed by that adjective (not adverb) plus subject plus verb.

Assertive: He is a great person.
Exclamatory: What a great person he is!
Assertive: It is a nice place.
Exclamatory: What a nice place it is!
Assertive: He is an energetic person.
Exclamatory: What an energetic person he is!
Assertive: It is a very beautiful place.
Exclamatory: What a beautiful place it is! (The adverb "very" has been ignored) 

Rule Number Two: If we don't have any article before adjective or adverb we should start with the word "How" followed by that adjective (not adverb) plus a subject plus a verb in the exclamatory sentence.

Assertive: He is very intelligent.
Imperative: How intelligent he is!
Assertive: The scenery is very beautiful.
Imperative: How beautiful the scenery is!

Rule Number Three: If we come across the expression "It is a matter of regret/sorrow that...or We mourn that..." we will write "Alas" in exclamatory sentence followed by rest part of the assertive sentence. 

Assertive: It is a matter of sorrow that his friend died.
Exclamatory sentence: Alas! His friend died!
Assertive: It is a matter of regret that he has lost his wallet. 
Exclamatory: Alas! He has lost his wallet. 
Assertive: He mourns that his grandfather has died.
Exclamatory: Alas! His grandfather has died. 

Rule Number Four: "It is a matter of joy that" in an assertive sentence will be replaced by "Hurrah" in the exclamatory sentence followed by the rest of the part of the assertive sentence. 

Assertive: It is a matter of joy that we are going to start our university life.
Exclamatory: Hurrah! We are going to start our university life. 
Assertive: It is a matter of joy that he has got a chance on the national cricket team.
Exclamatory: Hurrah! He has got a chance on the national cricket team.
Assertive: It is a matter of joy that we have won the match.
Exclamatory: Hurrah! We have won the match. 

Rule Number Five: "It is a matter of shame/contempt that" in an assertive sentence will be replaced by "Fie" in exclamatory sentence followed by the rest of the part of the assertive sentence. 

Assertive: It is a matter of shame/contempt that he has dishonored our freedom fighters. 
Exclamatory: Fie! He has dishonored our freedom fighters!
Assertive: It is a matter of shame/contempt that she quarrels with his parents. 
Exclamatory: He quarrels with his parents!

Rule Number Six: Write the word "Bravo" in the exclamatory sentence If you find the expression "It is a matter of praise that..." in an assertive sentence. Then write the rest of the part of the assertive sentence. 

Assertive: It is a matter of praise that he has got GPA 5. 
Exclamatory: Bravo! He has got GPA 5. 
Assertive: It is a matter of praise that he has stood first in the exam. 
Exclamatory: Bravo! He has stood first in the exam. 

Rule Number Seven: If you come across the expression "I wish I were/had ..." in an assertive sentence, you will write an unreal conditional sentence with "if" in an exclamatory sentence. 

Assertive: I wish I were a bird.
Exclamatory: If I were a bird!
Assertive: I wish I had the wings of a bird.
Exclamatory: If I had the wings of a bird!

Rule Number Eight:  If we come across the "I hope" expression in an assertive sentence, we will write a real conditional sentence with "if" in an exclamatory sentence. Then, add the rest of the part of the assertive sentence.

Assertive: I hope you take exercise regularly.
Exclamatory: If you take exercise regularly! 
Assertive: I hope I study seriously.
Exclamatory: If I study seriously!

Rule Number Nine: The expression "I wish" in the assertive sentence will be replaced by "would that. O that" in exclamatory sentence. 

Assertive: I wish I were a poet.
Exclamatory: Would that I were a poet!
Assertive: I wish I could fly in the sky.
Exclamatory: O that I could fly in the sky!
Assertive: I wish I were a bird.
Exclamatory: Would that I were a bird!
Assertive: I wish I could be the president of the country.
Exclamatory: O that I could be the president of the country!

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